Jeanette Westbrook

Louisville, Kentucky, USA

Jeanette Westbrook MSSW is a Social Worker and Human Rights Activist and Defender from Louisville, Kentucky USA. Jeanette is a survivor of Torture and Familial Trafficking and Prostitution. Jeanette is a Social Worker with over 27 years front line experience in working with traumatized clients including traumatized refugees from around the world, many who have experienced torture, the horrors of war, exploitation in prostitution, incest survivors, rape victims.

Ms. Westbrook is a member of Women Graduates USA -an affiliate of GWI and a supporter and advocate for US ratification for CEDAW and The Nordic Model and a supporter for the recognition of Non State Torture in the UNDHR. Ms. Westbrook has been guest lecturer at Indiana University Bloomington at The Dept. of Criminal Justice for over 14 years. She has been a presenter in over 30 United Nations panels in the area of Non State Actor Torture, Human Trafficking and Prostitution.