Melanie Thompson is a survivor of sex trafficking and prostitution, and is separately a speaker, activist, and leader in the global fight to end prostitution and commercial sexual exploitation. Trafficked and sold into prostitution at the age of 12, she was later arrested and placed into foster care. She became an activist at age 14. With over 13 years of advocacy experience, she is both a national and international expert consultant and speaks avidly to the intersectionality of race, child welfare, juvenile justice, LGBTQ+ rights and other systems of oppression. As a subject matter expert, Melanie has extensive media experience and has testified before numerous legislatures and entities, including the United Nations and various Parliaments, about the need to pass strong anti-trafficking laws and end the arrests of sex trafficked and prostituted people in the sex trade. She sits on several Survivor Advisory Boards working to implement inclusivity and create more effective strategies for survivors everywhere.
Melanie Thompson
New York, USA