Michelle Abel


Michelle is a survivor of Familial Trafficking and Abuse and a staunch advocate for the exploited, marginalized and oppressed. She has been working in providing direct support to victims and survivors, speaking at conferences, and facilitating training on Familial Trafficking.

Bridge2Future is a non – profit that whose primary mission is research, advocacy, and policy advice against Generational Trauma, Intimate Partner Violence, and Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Women and Children.

Michelle has submitted Briefs to different Committees in the Canadian House of Commons and the United Kingdom House of Commons and advocated for legislation in the United States Congress.

Michelle was invited by:

  • The 24h Conference on Global Organized Crime Summit to be part of a panel discussing the “Victimization and Human Trafficking”.
  • The National Center on Sexual Exploitation (NCOSE) to participate on “Hope on the Hill – Catalyzing Policies to Eradicate Sexual Exploitation” in Washington DC.
  • To participate in the Transatlantic Summit at United Nations Headquarters in New York, “Affirming Universal Human Rights Uniting Cultures for Life, Family and Fundamental Freedoms”.
    Concordia University to be part of a Workshop panel “Our Kids Online: Porn, Predators & How to Keep Them Safe.
  • Michelle was invited by the EmpowerMen & Ma Mawi Wi Chi Itata Center to be part of a panel in the Law Enforcement Conference 2024 Prosecuting Demand: Deterring Sex Buying and Exploitation.